Latest Cooling News: the G20, air conditioners, cities, green procurement and philanthropy
30 September, 2020 | Blog, Newsletters
Come and join us!
13 February, 2020 | Blog
How much self-generated electricity do households with solar photovoltaics consume? How does this affect bills and demand from the Grid?
30 October, 2019 | Blog
Eoghan McKenna
19 September, 2019 | Associates, People
Niall Farrell
19 September, 2019 | Associates, People
Dimitra Apostolopoulou
19 September, 2019 | Associates, People
Maxine Frerk
19 September, 2019 | People, Researchers
Rebecca Ford
19 September, 2019 | Associates, People
Shift in energy bill charges could boost low carbon heating
19 September, 2019 | Blog
Jacob Barnes
18 September, 2019 | People, Researchers
Vijay Avinash
18 September, 2019 | People, Researchers