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Data needed to decarbonize paratransit in Sub-Saharan Africa

Nature Sustainability 4, 7 (2021), 562–564, 2021

Gavin, H. | 2020

Synthesis Report

The Oxford Martin Programme on Integrating Renewable Energy: Synthesis Report. ISBN 978-1-874370-84-0

Pless, J., Hepburn, C. & Farrell, N. | 2020

Bringing rigour to energy innovation policy evaluation

Nature Energy volume 5pages284–290(2020)

Lucivero, F., Samuel, G., Blair, G., Darby, S.J., Fawcett, T., Hazas, M., Ten Holter, C., Jirotka, M., Parker, M., Webb, H. and Yuan, H. | 2020

Data-driven unsustainability? An interdisciplinary perspective on governing the environmental impacts of a data-driven society


Bird, C., Barnes, J., Ennion, C., Windemer, R., and Edwards, L. | 2020

Transforming energy: the power of ‘local’. A toolkit of good practice in partnership working between local authorities and community energy groups

Report, supported by BEIS, UK100 and funded by Power to Change

Pless, J., Fell, H., Sigrin, B., | 2020

Information Searching in the Residential Solar PV Market

The Energy Journal.

Vijay, A., Bhagavathy, S., McCulloch, M.  | 2020

Potential for domestic thermal storage to absorb excess renewable energy in a low carbon future

IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT)  DOI: 10.1109/ISGT45199.2020.9087704

Nolden, C., Sanchez-Graells, A., Murray, L., Pendered, O., Stone, I. and Wilkins, J. | 2020

Riding Sunbeams: Powering our trains with solar PV.

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Nolden, C., Barnes, J. and Nicholls, J. | 2020

Community energy business model evolution: A review of solar photovoltaic developments in England

(2020) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 122(109722): 1-12.

Morstyn, T., Teytelboym; A., Hepburn, C., McCulloch, M.D. | 2020

Integrating P2P Energy Trading With Probabilistic Distribution Locational Marginal Pricin

IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol 11 DOI: 10.1109/TSG.2019.2963238

Morstyn, T., Crozier, C., Deakin, M., McCulloch, M.D. | 2020

Conic Optimization for Electric Vehicle Station Smart Charging With Battery Voltage Constraints

IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification Vol 6, DOI: 10.1109/TTE.2020.2986675

Darby, S. | 2020

Energy, human activity, and knowledge: Addressing smart city challenges

Chapter 2.6 in, Lopes, M., Henggeler Antunes, C. and Janda, K.B. (eds.) Energy and Behaviour: Towards a Low Carbon Future. Elsevier Academic Press. pp. 237-260. ISBN: 978-0-12-818567-4.

Barnes, J., Bhagavathy, S.M | 2020

The economics of heat pumps and the (un)intended consequences of government policy

Energy Policy, Volume 138.

Pless J. & van Benthem A. | 2019

Pass-through as a test for market power: an application to solar subsidies

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 11 (4): 367–401. doi: 10.1257/app.20170611

Morstyn, T., Teytelboym, A. & McCulloch, M.D. | 2019

Designing decentralized markets for distribution system flexibility

IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34 (3):2128–2139. 2128–2139. doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2018.2886244

Bhagavathy, S.M., Pearsall, N., Putrus G. & Walker S. | 2019

Performance of UK Distribution Networks with single-phase PV systems under fault

International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (IJEPES), 113: 713-725. doi: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2019.05.077

Armstrong, P., Bhagavathy, S.M., Kang, R. & McCulloch, M.D. | 2019

Pitfalls in decarbonising heat: A misalignment of climate policy and product energy labelling standards

Energy Policy, 131: 390-398. doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2019.04.012

Samende, C., Bhagavathy, S.M. & McCulloch, M.D. | 2019

State of charge based droop control for power sharing and loss

13th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IEEE PEDS 2019), 9–2 July 2019, Toulouse, France.

Han, L., Morstyn, T.R., Crozier, C. & McCulloch, M.D. | 2019

Improving the Scalability of a Prosumer Cooperative Game with K-Means Clustering

IEEE PowerTech

Han, L., Morstyn, T.R. & McCulloch, M.D. | 2019

Estimation of the Shapley Value of a Peer-to-Peer Energy Sharing Game using Coalitional Stratified Random Sampling


Deakin, M., Crozier, C., Apostolopoulou, D. Morstyn, T. & McCulloch, M.D. | 2019

Stochastic Hosting Capacity in LV Distribution Networks

IEEE PES-GM, 2019.

Crozier, C., Deakin, M., Morstyn, T & McCulloch, M.D. | 2019

Incorporating Charger Efficiency into Electric Vehicle Charging Optimisation

IEEE ISGT Europe, 2019.

O’Shaughnessy E., Nemet G., Pless J., and Margolis R., | 2019

Addressing the soft cost challenge in U.S. small-scale solar PV system pricing

Energy Policy, 134.

Boait, P.; Snape, J.R.; Morris, R.; Hamilton, J.; Darby, S | 2019

The Practice and Potential of Renewable Energy Localisation: Results from a UK Field Trial

Sustainability 201911, 215.

Tushar, W., Saha, T.K., Yuen, C. Morstyn, T., McCulloch, M.D., Poor H.V., & Wood, K.L. | 2019

A motivational game-theoretic approach for peer-to-peer energy trading in the Smart grid

Applied Energy, 243: 10-20 doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.03.111

Eyre, N. | 2019

Energy efficiency in the energy transition

Proceeding of the eceee 2019 Summer Study on energy efficiency, Hyères, France. Paper 2-041-19

Darby, S.J. | 2019

Smart and sustainable, fast and slow

Proceedings, ECEEE Summer Study 2019. Hyères, France. Paper 5-318-19

Morstyn, T., Chilcott, M. & McCulloch, M.D. | 2019

Gravity energy storage with suspended weights for abandoned mine shafts

Applied Energy, 239: 201-206. doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.01.226

House, R.A., Maitra, U., Liyu J., Lozano, J.G., Somerville, J.W., Rees, N.H., Naylor, A.J., Duda, L.C., Massel, F., Chadwick, A.V., Ramos, S., Pickup, D.M., McNally, D.E., Xingye, L., Thorsten, T., Roberts, M.R. & Bruce, P.G. | 2019

What triggers oxygen loss in oxygen redox cathode materials?

Chemistry of Materials, 31 (9): 3293–3300. doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.9b00227

Morstyn, T., Teytelboym, A & McCulloch, M.D. | 2019

Bilateral contract networks for peer-to-peer energy trading

IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 10 (2): 2026–2035. doi: 10.1109/TSG.2017.2786668

Clements, A., Wheeler, S., Mohr, A., McCulloch, M.D | 2019

The service value method for design of energy access systems in the global south

Proceedings of the IEEE. 107 (9): 1941-1966. doi: 10.1109/JPROC.2019.2901215

Pless, J | 2019

Are ‘Complementary Policies’ Substitutes? Evidence from R&D Subsidies in the UK

Available at SSRN 

Eggimann, S., Hall, J. & Eyre, N. | 2019

A high-resolution spatio-temporal energy demand simulation to explore the potential of heating demand side management with large-scale heat pump diffusion

Applied Energy, 236: 997-1010. doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.12.052

Suomalainen, K., Eyers, D; Ford, D., Stephenson, J., Anderson, B., Jack, M. | 2019

Detailed comparison of energy-related time-use diaries and monitored residential electricity demand

Energy and Buildings, 183: 418–427. doi: org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2018.11.002

Han, L., Morstyn, T. & McCulloch, M.D. | 2019

Incentivizing prosumer coalitions with energy management using cooperative game theory

IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34 (1): 303–313. doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2018.2858540

Boait, P., Snape, J.R., Hamilton, J., Morris, R. & Darby, S. | 2019

The practice and potential of renewable energy localisation: Results from a UK field trial

Sustainability, 11 (1): 215. doi: 10.3390/su11010215

Rosenow, J., Guertler, P., Sorrell, S. & Eyre, N. | 2018

The remaining potential for energy savings in UK households

Energy Policy, 121: 542-552. doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2018.06.033

Dixon, J., Morstyn, T., Han, L. & McCulloch, M.D. | 2018

Flexible cooperative game theory tool for peer-to-peer energy trading analysis

IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5. doi: 10.1109/PESGM.2018.8586348

Karlin, B., Lopes, M.A., Ford, R. and Peffer, T.E. | 2018

Energy efficiency: Behavioral contributions from around the globe

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Farrell, N., Devine, M.T. & Soroudi, A. | 2018

An auction framework to integrate dynamic transmission expansion planning and pay-as-bid wind connection auctions

Applied Energy, 228: 2462-2477. doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.06.073

Apostolopoulou, D. & McCulloch, M.D. | 2018

Optimal short-term operation of a cascaded hydro-solar hybrid system: a case study in Kenya

IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 10 (4): 1878–889. doi: 10.1109/TSTE.2018.2874810

Lozano, J.G., Martinez, G.T., Jin, L., Nellist, P.D. & Bruce, P.G. | 2018

Low-dose aberration-free imaging of Li-Rich cathode materials at various states of charge using electron ptychography

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Bhagavathy, S.M. & Pillai, G.G | 2018

PV microgrid design for rural electrification

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Morstyn, T., Teytelboym, A & McCulloch, M.D. | 2018

Matching markets with contracts for electric vehicle smart charging

IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). 1-5. doi: 10.1109/PESGM.2018.8586361

Han, L., Morstyn, T. & McCulloch, M.D. | 2018

Constructing prosumer coalitions for energy cost savings using cooperative game theory

IEEE Transactions on Power Systems – 2018 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), 18073379. doi: 10.23919/PSCC.2018.8443054

Deakin, M., Morstyn, T., Apostolopoulou, D. & McCulloch, M.D. | 2018

The value of reactive power for voltage control in lossy networks

2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). doi: 10.1109/PESGM.2018.8586256

Deakin, M., Morstyn, T., Apostolopoulou, D. & McCulloch, M.D. | 2018

Loss induced maximum power transfer in distribution networks

IEEE Power Systems Computation Conference, 11–15 June 2018. doi: 10.23919/PSCC.2018.8443003

McKenna, E., Pless, J., & Darby, S.J. | 2018

Solar photovoltaic self-consumption in the UK residential sector: New estimates from a smart grid demonstration project

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Farrell, N. | 2018

The Increasing Cost of Ignoring Coase: Inefficient Electricity Tariffs, Welfare Loss and Distributed Energy Resources

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Darby, S. | 2018

Smart technology in the home: time for more clarity

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Morstyn, T. & McCulloch, M.D. | 2018

Multi-class energy management for peer-to-peer energy trading driven by prosumer preferences

IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34 (5): 4005–4014. doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2018.2834472

Apostolopoulou, D., De Greve, Z. & McCulloch, M.D. | 2018

Robust optimization for hydroelectric system operation under uncertainty

IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33 (3): 3337–3348. doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2018.2807794

Rhys, J. | 2018

Cost reflective pricing in energy networks

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Eyre, N., Darby, S. J., Grünewald, P., McKenna, E., & Ford, R. | 2018

Reaching a 1.5° C target: socio-technical challenges for a rapid transition to low-carbon electricity systems

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Morstyn, T., Farrell, N., Darby, S.J., & McCulloch, M.D. | 2018

Using peer-to-peer energy-trading platforms to incentivize prosumers to form federated power plants

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House, R.A., Liyu J., Urmimala M., Kazuki T., Somerville, J.W., Forstermann, D.P., Massel, F., Duda, L., Roberts, M.R., & Bruce, P.G. | 2018

Lithium manganese oxyfluoride as a new cathode material exhibiting oxygen redox

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Abrahamse, W., Darby, S.J. & McComas, K. | 2018

Communication is key: how to discuss energy and environmental issues with consumers

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Wang, D., Xiangwen G., Chen, Y., Jin, L., Kuss, C. & Bruce, P.G. | 2018

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Maitra, U., House, R.A., Somerville, J.W., Tapia-Ruiz, N., Lozano, J.G., Guerrini, N., Hao, R., Luo, K., Liyu J., Pérez Osorio, M., Massel, F., Pickup, D.M., Ramos, S., Lu, X., McNally, D.E., Chadwick, A.V., Giustino, F. Schmitt, T., Duda, L.C. & Peter, P.G. | 2018

Oxygen redox chemistry without excess alkali-metal ions in Na2/3[Mg0.28Mn0.72]O2

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Hepburn, C., Pless, J. & Popp, D. | 2018

Encouraging innovation that protects environmental systems: Five policy proposals

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Farrell, N. | 2017

What factors drive inequalities in carbon tax incidence? Decomposing socioeconomic inequalities in carbon tax incidence in Ireland

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Hepburn C. and Groom B. | 2017

Looking back at social discount rates: effect of papers, presentations and personalities on policy

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McKenna, E., Higginson, S., Grunewald, P. and Darby, S. | 2017

Simulating residential demand response: Improving socio-technical assumptions in activity-based models of energy demand

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Ford, R., Walton, S., Stephenson, J., Rees, D., Scott, M., King, G., Williams, J., Wooliscroft, B. | 2017

Emerging energy transitions: PV uptake beyond subsidies

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Hepburn, C. & Teytelboym, A. | 2017

Climate change policy after Brexit

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Devine, M., Farrell, N. & Lee, W. | 2017

Optimising feed-in tariff design through efficient risk allocation

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Pless, J. & Fell, H | 2017

Bribes, bureaucracies and blackouts: towards understanding how corruption at the firm level impacts electricity reliability

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Pless, J., Langheim, R., Machak, C., Helllow, H. & Sigrin, B. | 2017

The price-concentration relationship in early residential solar third-party markets

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Bell, K., Eyre, N., Hawker, G., Gissey, G.C., Dodds, P., Darby, S.J., Irvine, J., Paul, G. & Watson, J. | 2017

A smart, flexible energy system: The UK Energy Research Centre’s (UKERC) Response to the Ofgem / BEIS Call for Evidence

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Hepburn, C., Neuhoff, K., Acworth, W., Burtraw, D. and Jotzo, F. | 2016

The economics of the EU ETS market stability reserve

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Pless J., Arent D., Cochran J., Logan J. and Zinaman O. | 2016

Quantifying the value of investing in distributed natural gas and renewable electricity systems as complements: Applications of disounted cash flow and real options analysis with stochastic inputs

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Mattauch L. and Hepburn C. | 2016

Climate policy when preferences are endogenous – and sometimes they are

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Rhys, J. | 2016

Challenges for creating low carbon energy

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Thronicker D., Lange I. and Pless J. | 2016

Determining the success of carbon capture and storage projects

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Johnston, A., Van Der Marel, E. | 2016

How Binding are the EU’s ‘Binding’ Renewables Targets?

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Fischerauer, S., Johnston, A. | 2016

State regulation of retail energy prices: an anachronism in the liberalized EU energy market

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Farmer D. and Hepburn C. | 2016

Less precision, more truth

In: Chichilnisky and Rezai (eds) Handbook on the Economics of Climate Change.

Hepburn C. and Pfeiffer A. | 2016

Facing the challenge of climate change

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Pfeiffer A., Millar R., Hepburn C. and Beinhocker E. | 2016

The ‘2C capital stock’ for electricity generation: Committed cumulative carbon emissions from the electricity generation sector and the transformation to a green economy

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Howard Covington, James Thornton & Cameron Hepburn | 2016

Shareholders must vote for climate-change mitigation

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Realizing the electric-vehicle revolution

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Using non-parametric statistics to identify the best pathway for supplying hydrogen as a road transport fuel

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