Community energy
Transforming energy: the power of ‘local’. A toolkit of good practice in partnership working between local authorities and community energy groups
06 June, 2020 | Publications
Public participation in a West of England energy transition
19 February, 2020 | Blog
Integrate Hub Gathering 19 Feb: The NEWCOMERS project – new clean energy communities in a changing European energy system
19 February, 2020 | Events
Integrate Hub Gathering 5 Feb: The RISE project: Renewable, Innovative and Scalable Electrification
05 February, 2020 | Events
Community energy business model evolution: A review of solar photovoltaic developments in England
02 January, 2020 | Publications
How can P2P energy trading platforms be designed to create value for both prosumers and system operators?
06 December, 2019 | Publications
Financial support for environmentally sound policies in poorer countries makes sense for everyone. The case of firewood, charcoal and deforestation.
21 November, 2019 | Blog
Jacob Barnes
18 September, 2019 | People, Researchers
Could you live without electricity?
05 September, 2019 | Blog
How should we share the benefits of the low carbon transition?
23 November, 2018 | Blog