11 November, 2020

Integrate Hub Gathering, 11 Nov 2020: Renewables prospects in Southern and Eastern Africa

The multidisciplinary Integrate Hub Gatherings bring together researchers and practitioners in clean and renewable energy to hear about new developments, discuss relevant items and discover areas in which to collaborate.  The meeting is held fortnightly on Wednesdays, from 10:45 to 12:30.  It’s all online at the moment, using Zoom.

Please get in touch with Helen Gavin if you are interested in joining the meeting.


10:45 – Soft start and general chat

11:00  – The meeting begins with introductions, then open time in which anyone can raise an issue or discuss new developments, issues, news etc

11:30  – The main feature with an invited speaker! This week we will hear from Yunshu Li,  International Renewable Energy Agency, Innovation and Technology Centre, who will speak on  “Renewables prospects in Southern and Eastern Africa”.

Yunshu will present the IRENA modelling analysis on the long-term prospects of renewables along the Africa Clean Energy Corridor, using an optimisation tool. The analysis is meant to serve as inputs to the political processes and masterplan development in Southern and Eastern African countries. She will discuss the issued surrounding this can be on the cost-optimal level of renewables in power generation from a long term perspective, accounting for geospatial elements of solar and wind sites, role of regional trade. She will also introduce our capacity building work of IRENA.

12:30 – End of meeting.


Photo by Charl Folscher on Unsplash


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