18 March, 2020

Integrate Hub Gathering, 18 March: What are prosumers for? Business models, values and governance in the citizen led energy transition

The Integrate Hub Gatherings bring together researchers and practitioners in renewable energy and associated topics (energy efficiency, EVs,  etc) to hear about new developments, discuss relevant items and discover areas in which to collaborate.

The meeting is held fortnightly on Wednesday during term time, from 11:00 to 12:30.

This meeting will be held online, via video conference.  Click to join: https://zoom.us/j/7604627247   Meeting ID: 760 462 7247

Please get in touch with Helen Gavin if you are interested in joining the meeting!

From 11:30, Donal Brown, University of Leeds, will speak on “What are prosumers for? Business models, values and governance in the citizen led energy transition.”

This is based on his work in the research project: Horizon 2020 Prosumers in the Energy Union