Integrate Hub Gathering, 4 March: The Increasing Cost of Ignoring Coase: Inefficient Electricity Tariffs, Welfare Loss and Distributed Energy Resources

The Integrate Hub Gatherings bring together researchers and practitioners in renewable energy and associated topics (energy efficiency, EVs,  etc) to hear about new developments, discuss relevant items and discover areas in which to collaborate.

The meeting is held fortnightly on Wednesday during term time, and sometimes outside, from 11:00 to 12:30.  People can participate in person or via video conference.  Please get in touch with Helen Gavin if you are interested in joining the meeting!

This week, we have a special visit from our funders, and so will be adapting the usual format so that the meeting runs as follows:

    • 10:45 – Refreshments and chat
    • 11:00 – Start of meeting and round table introductions
    • 11:10 – Mini Pecha Kucha presentations:
        • Helen Gavin: an overview of the programme
        • Katie Collett: electric vehicles and the grid 
        • John Rhys: the link between firewood for cooking and achieving net zero
        • Jose Linares: the role of knowledge brokers 

 11:30 – Presentation from invited speaker: Niall Farrell on “The Increasing Cost of Ignoring Coase: Inefficient Electricity Tariffs, Welfare Loss and Distributed Energy Resources”

12:30 – End of meeting

Photo by The Climate Reality Project on Unsplash