Integrate Hub Gathering, 17 Feb 2021: Ofgem’s Targeted Charging Review
The multidisciplinary Integrate Hub Gatherings bring together researchers and practitioners in clean and renewable energy to hear about new developments, discuss relevant items and discover areas in which to collaborate. The meeting is held fortnightly on Wednesdays in term-time, from 10:45 to 12:30. It’s all online at the moment.
Please get in touch with Helen Gavin if you are interested in joining the meeting.
10:45 – Soft start and general chat
11:00 – The meeting begins with introductions, then open time in which anyone can raise an issue or discuss new developments, issues, news etc.
11:30 – The main feature with an invited speaker! This week we will hear from Tedd Mose from Oxford University, on:
“Ofgem’s Targeted Charging Review”
About 60% of energy bills are not related to the amount of energy consumed. Instead, they reflect a range of non-energy costs including network charges. These charges are levied to allow network operators to build, operate and maintain the country’ energy infrastructure. The current network charging structures is thought to be unfair as it not fairly distributed meaning that some network users pay less nd other more. Ofgem, he UK energy regulator started its Targeted Charging Review (TCR) in 2017 to identify where changes need to be made to reduce such distortions. Its decisions have received fierce criticism from the clean energy sector. You can find out more about Ofgem’s Targeted Charging review here.
12:30 – End of meeting.
Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash