Energy access v reliability: opportunities and challenges in Sierra Leone

This is a video of the webinar in which Kelcise Sesay, Hindolo George-Williams, and John Rhys talked the potential conflict between electricity access and reliability. This is an important issue in the power sector, and presents a particular challenge for developing economies. The webinar focused on Sierra Leone.

Helen Gavin hosted the webinar.

Few people have access to electricity in Sierra Leone, and those that do suffer from an unstable supply. Fossil fuels and firewood are often used, with adverse health and environmental implications, and there is much potential for renewable energy.

Slides: The presentation slides can be found here.

Q&A: As there was not enough time to answers all the questions in the webinar, Kelcise, Hindolo, and John have written short responses to each one.

Video content:

John (01:53) introduced the subject, drawing on his experience of different power systems and setting out the financial aspects.

Hindolo (11:24) talked on the sometimes conflicting aims of broadening access to electricity and the need to increase the resilience of the electricity grid and thus the reliability of supplied power. Which should come first? This is a trade-off that isn’t often discussed.

Kelcise (22.20) spoke on the operational aspects of delivering power, drawing on his experience as Head of the Electricity Regulation, and the approach being taken to provide reliable and affordable electricity in Sierra Leone, as set out the country’s Electricity Sector Reform Roadmap.


This webinar features the project ‘Improving Sierra Leone’s Power System‘, which is part of the Applied Research Programme on Energy for Economic Growth led by Oxford Policy Management. The programme is funded by the UK Government, through UK Aid.


Photo by Joshua Hanson on Unsplash

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