My field value: Helen Gavin, José Maria Valenzuela

06 April, 2020

Do we have the institutions needed to address climate change?

José Maria Valenzuela is a doctoral student in the Blavatnik School of Government, at the University of Oxford. He is exploring the role of knowledge brokers, regulatory capacity and the decarbonisation of electricity systems.

In this short video, José set out how his research asks the whether the world has the institutions needed to address climate change, and if the answer is no, what can we do about it?

Electricity system authorities have adopted the mandate to pursue low-carbon electricity generation as this is one of the most feasible strategies for decarbonisation in industrial economies. The problems posed by renewable energy require regulatory innovations however. Regulators require both knowledge and regulatory capability. They require appropriate knowledge to understand the problems of variable generation and identify the innovative means or tools available to overcome them. Where does this knowledge come from?

Click here to read more about Jose’s research